Monday, July 6, 2009

True or just "made up" movie?

Hi Folks!

Thank you all for your super cool response on the latest post and “On cultures” slides. Today, I will go on and build on the cultural theme. Why?

Few hours ago, I have received interesting video, which made me think again.
Did you know? (Watch the video, please)

Do you still think, you know the world you live in?
Do you still think you can live comfort set of the learned habits?
Do you still think you don’t need to be aware of any other cultures, but yours?

Adopt – Adapt- Transform was one of the themes during the implementation of the huge outsource program of Capgemini.

I would boldly apply that theme into every part of our daily lives.

Cheers from believer in ONENESS and synchronicity;-)


suzanne said...

thats interesting Ivana though I cant help thinking its meant to scare people in some way - cultures are ever changing and evolving and Im not sure thats a bad thing?

Ivana Sendecka said...

Thanks for your comment Suzanne;-) certainly it isnt bad thing that cultures are changing. and for sure my intention was not to scare anyone. those are just facts which we should know about.and learn to respect everyone around us and teach the same to our kids;-)

suzanne said...

yes I totally agree with you and what you said in your blog reflects that and not an intention to scare - I just thought that the video was a little bit more foreboding in its tone. Thats just my opinion though and I am sure others will hear and see different things in it.

Arjan Tupan said...

Interesting one, but like Suzanne, can't shake the feeling that the origins of this movie could be found on the far right of the political spectrum.
The thing is, the world is changing, and when it has changed, it will change again. We are not living now in the same way people did 50, 100 or 1000 years ago. My opinion is that we need to be open to change, and try and find the good things in it and explore those. Being fearful is NOT the solution, being open is a better step in the right direction. Open and respectful. And with a positive way of looking at our differences.

Good way to provoke good thoughts, I guess.

suzanne said...

Im with you 100% clear blue sky

polynesier2105 said...

dearest ivana, thanks for the pretty interesting clip you have uploaded. unfortunately there was no hint on the sources of the figures , it was only said this or that goverment said. as far as i don´t know the real sources of the information i doubt it. as i follow very carefully any information of the german government and i have never heard of those. i think it is ok if we think about fertility rates in industrialized countries where the single households increase dramatically but culture is not only fertility rates otherwise we should immediately go ahead and start our own production. of course times will change, have changed and still change. but i think it is not appropriate to install a system of fear of muslim or any other system, religion or sthg. comparable which overwhelms europe.cultures survive and are deleted by themselves or by others so let us take care not to destroy our cultures by bad education, false idols, hedonism, internal struggles and wars. we need a better spirit in our own brains and minds, more open to understand each other, and a new spirit in our economies, withdraw from a so called civilization and back to culture, coke or mc donalds is not a culture even if some people think or have thought of it and tried to bring it to "non civilized countries".
"the most i fear is my own strange thoughts"

almantas said...

one small question.
there is two german familys , both german nationals. one believe in islam, other one is catholic.
each one of them gives birth to the child.
the child born in islamic family is muslim. child who borned in catholic family is german. where is the sence? i guess some things doesnt fit in this video.

who sayed that islam is bad religion?
why christianity is better? i guess any religion is good religion as long as it cares about spiritual part of the folowers, and not the material one.
wich one does the first good? NONE.

Ahmed said...

Hi, what has been told in this movie concerning the past may be true, but for the future I dought it will be as described.
Due to demografic and political changes a linear calculation as mentioned in the movie is not correct. For example the current crisis has encouraged people to go back home as they are now job less in europe. How can you then secure the growing of a populationa against such factors...almost impossible

Team Mascot said...

On a similar but different topic, China is about to become the country with the largest english-speaking population in the world. India has more graduates than there are people in the USA. Adopt adapt transform!!

Batman said...

Well, if the math is right, Europe is being taken over by Muslims, can America be far behind? The first sign of a selfish country is that the birth rate goes down. If this trend happens worldwide, we could be in trouble, if we're not already in End Times, we're on our way there....