Conversations and interactions on Yammer are becoming essential and frequently used tool for many of us during work hours. As of now, Capgemini has 1785 members in the Yammer forum, so revolutionary number 1789 from the French history, is getting closer and closer.
In order to prevent “violence” in the Yammer community, it is asking to bring enlightenment structure in the language we use.
Based on citizenship principles, voice of the crowd has been heard out. Following are the suggestions, which have been briefly discussed within previous blog post comments and within Yammer forum by its proud citizens.
Definition and unification of the Yammer language will ease the process of integration for newly joined colleagues and will enable the rest of us to lead by example in our free highly energized community.
Following is proposed language for citizens of Capgemini, when referring to Yammer activities:
Yammer LingoTM = Yammer Language
YammerlandTM = Yammer’s Capgemini forum
YammTM = Post on the Yammer (as Tweet on Twitter)
RYTM = Re-Yamm (as RT retweet on Twitter)
YammDudeTM = Gentleman user
YammeretteTM = Lady user
YammUpTM = Face-to-Face meeting
Shut the Yamm up!TM = Silence please!
Thoughts on how to enrich and improve our new born Yammer dictionary is more than needed.
Have a SUPER COOL weekend!
P.S.: “Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood!”