Friday, April 24, 2009

Yammer “Lingo” for Capgemini citizens

Conversations and interactions on Yammer are becoming essential and frequently used tool for many of us during work hours. As of now, Capgemini has 1785 members in the Yammer forum, so revolutionary number 1789 from the French history, is getting closer and closer.

In order to prevent “violence” in the Yammer community, it is asking to bring enlightenment structure in the language we use.

Based on citizenship principles, voice of the crowd has been heard out. Following are the suggestions, which have been briefly discussed within previous blog post comments and within Yammer forum by its proud citizens.

Definition and unification of the Yammer language will ease the process of integration for newly joined colleagues and will enable the rest of us to lead by example in our free highly energized community.

Following is proposed language for citizens of Capgemini, when referring to Yammer activities:

Yammer LingoTM = Yammer Language
YammerlandTM = Yammer’s Capgemini forum
YammTM = Post on the Yammer (as Tweet on Twitter)
RYTM = Re-Yamm (as RT retweet on Twitter)
YammDudeTM = Gentleman user
YammeretteTM = Lady user
YammUpTM = Face-to-Face meeting
Shut the Yamm up!TM = Silence please!

Thoughts on how to enrich and improve our new born Yammer dictionary is more than needed.

Have a SUPER COOL weekend!

P.S.: “Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood!”

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why “YES” for Yammer?

Two days ago, I have conducted my first coaching gig and one of the lessons which I have learned is, that people love to hear real examples and stories from the life.

After one and half month spent in the super cool community of Capgemini on, I cannot imagine any working day without being logged into Yammer.

Here is why:

1. Interactions with top CXOs of the group are on daily basis. Thanks to Yammer any “level” boundaries have been erased. Only thing which matters is the will to freely share content you carry in your head, contributing to discussions and to helping each other. Truly high spirit and energy are in our fortune. (*FREEDOM*)

2. Desktop application will feed you with posts of the followed people and with blink of an eye you can get involved into experts conversations. Before unknown topics to me, like Cloud computing or Agile are known thanks to Yammer. We are never done with learning and the fact, that everyone can teach you something new is demonstrated on Yammer in every Yamm.(*MODESTY*)

3. Sharing rocks! Various groups are attracting likeminded people. Group about Delicious bookmarking, will enable you to see what other people find worth to bookmark. Amazing source of information, if you will spare few minutes to join the group and add Capgemini-ers to your Delicious network. Amazing food for the hungry, eager to learn soul. (*TEAM SPIRIT*)

4. Not only knowledge sharing, but also building super cool RELATIONSHIPS is enabled via Yammer. Extending network to Facebook friendships or following on Twitter is very precious sign of trust. (*TRUST*)

5. Getting replies on emails instantly when referring to Yammer. Last week my colleague seeking for information for proposal, asked me, “How come, you have got email from the person so fast? I was trying to contact him for few days already and didn’t get any response yet?” Well, that is the magic of Yammer and relationships. (*HONESTY*)

6. Highlighting existence of the local office within 90,000 plus employees group is valuable addition, which Yammer provides to its users. I bet, that if you will inquire on the Yammer about Capgemini Slovakia, they will know, who is ambassador, some of them will be even able to greet ‘Good morning’ in Slovak language. Again, thanks to being part of the Yammer community. (*BOLDNESS*)

7. And you know what? It is great FUN, while getting better. (*FUN*)

The above listed, value adding items are very brief summary why Yammer is great tool for company’s worldwide boundary free cooperation.

Moreover, all is aligned with Capgemini’s Seven Core Values: Honesty, Boldness, Trust, Freedom, Team Spirit, Modesty and Fun.
(Believe me, this was coincidence, the way content of the blog has fit with it. It was not my intention, but it worked out amazingly!)

Stay hungry, stay foolish, join Yammer.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Journey from Knowledge Management to Knowledge Sharing

Why did attempts of knowledge management failed over the last several years? Why is it going to be different this time?

Knowledge management is not about storing documents in the right place, but having people sharing their knowledge. Knowledge is the glue that holds our virtual universe together.
We need to shift our attention to the creators of existing content, then and now, it has always been: PEOPLE.

During last century the main innovation focus was on electrification. Environment pressures and reality of 21st century brought in, as the essence of economic growth – knowledge and its management.

Knowledgification powers radical innovation in 21st century.

Successful implementation of effective knowledge management (KM) is about enabling the culture of innovation within the company. What used to be true in the past, doesn’t work effectively now. Web 1.0 based search engines are no more attractive in comparison with interactive web 2.0 platforms. World Wide Web is flooded with data, which are not linked. How do we get data linked? How to extract information we need for work? How to avoid knowledge mismanagement?
Emerging phenomenon of social networking platforms within lives of people and companies, their partners or customers cannot be overlooked.

Social computing enables more effective people interaction.

Connecting people is the most efficient way, how to get hold of needed materials, documents, deliverables or lessons learned. Interactivity and contribution within existing KM platforms is lower than desired when designing it. Response time for inquiries is too long compared to interactions through “out of the office” web 2.0 applications. This might cause barrier and frustration among KM users. How to get people involved in KM? What would be attractive for them to contribute to KM databases actively?

Below, you can find brief list of web 2.0 based tools and available technologies:

• Mash ups
• Social bookmarks
• Social tagging
• Blogs and Microblogs
• Social networks
• Wikis
• Virtual world

Knowledge is in the network. (P. Senge)

Above statement is also supported by, Metcalf’s law of exponentially increasing the value of your knowledge network, by increasing its volume – can be achieved” Social computing allow people connect and share knowledge - naturally. As knowledge flows more freely and in a variety of ways (blogs, wikis, microblogs, etc), the company's soil becomes more fertile for innovative ideas to take place. Employees will have space to unfold their talents and know-how, share it with the networks and increased numbers of colleagues, which have been out of their reach before (geographical, hierarchical etc.)

Social computing captures the knowledge that is shared informally via conversations and people interactions.

Instead of exerting even more efforts to formally document the knowledge, store files and documents, let’s realize strength of knowledge management via integration social networking applications and its tools into it. Spreading the word and ideas can be achieved with surprisingly fast pace.
Potential of KM can be enhanced and fully realized through social computing.
The social computing component layered into that KM framework, even basic things like user forums with space for comments, ratings, cloud tags, Yammer feeds, and wiki-like editing capabilities is able to take huge knowledge base.

This kind of integration of social computing into KM framework, business processes and workflow will have also impact on:
Content quality of data, whereas the level of detail will be improved significantly by linking available sources of existing data
KM users will be involved completely when giving them a stake and space for identification of their value added in the final product

Existing myths about social networking within company are source of resistance and doubts about its value adding role towards competitiveness of their business.
Perception on web 2.0 tools can be illustrated by: Old an ancient story about the group of blind men who touched different parts of elephant to learn what it was like. Based on part they touched, each man had a different perspective. “It’s a rope!” - one man said touching the tail. “It is a tree!” - other said by touching the foot of the animal.
Fast forwarding the story to year 2009, different people have a different understanding of web 2.0 beast. Social networking might be associated with Facebook, publishing with Blogs, collaboration with Wikis.

What keeps social media ambassadors to challenge present KM and promote professional networking as essential part of daily work and learning process?

Social media platforms are providing functions with unlimited reach across whole organization.

Social computing components within company enables employees to:
Create authentic identity via freedom to personalize their profile via picture, nickname, areas of interest, languages spoken etc.
Have excitement and fun on the workplace, when collaborating with globally dispersed teams.
Unique space for newly joined colleagues for introduction and the way to integrate smoothly into company.
Erase hierarchical stereotypes and barriers, when able to interact and reach every colleague at any level within organization. (involvement of executives and leading by example is essential)
“Eyes on” feeds is great mean to learn more about many unknown subjects when reading feeds, conversations and interactions between experts.
Making 1 plus 1 far more than 2 – shared knowledge from share minds can generate unexpected synergy effects.

Knowledge management and social media are not mutually exclusive. Social media will not replace KM.

Bringing together Web 2.0 applications and KM into day to day life of company, has to be done hand in hand with proper business process designing, in order to ensure accuracy where error rates must be extremely low. There is still requirement for technical documentation, and a logically-organized framework for presenting that information are necessary and appropriate.
As the story comes to and end, we are crossing finish line at the same place where we have started: PEOPLE are the voice to be listened to.
Final desing of KM platform and its functionalities must serve the best and has to be aligned according requirements of KM users, in order to achieve so often missed target: effectively functioning knowledge management.

Question arises in my mind: KM or KS?
Knowledge sharing (KS) is everywhere. I think KM is largely dead.