Friday, July 3, 2009

Understanding cultural differences or giving away forgotten gift - slide show;-)

Hello! Namaste! Ahoj! Marhaba!

Today, I have decided to share with you few slides, which have been stored in the folder of my desktop for almost 2 months. Originally I have made this document about Understanding cultural differences, to spread the awareness among colleagues in the business consulting world as my expression of care and importance to make our work environment effective and friendly, in case of any multicultural interactions.

I simply backed off, when,common reaction was:

“What for should if I know about it, I don’t work with Indians or Arabs?”

But, I have changed my mind, because:

“If posting that slide deck “On Cultures” will help one person to learn something new, it will be 100% more compared to zero audience, while document was stored in the PC, isn’t it?”

Super cool, then!

I am delighted to share with you my first uploaded presentation.
Here we go, gift for YOU!

I am looking forward to hear your thoughts, and please educate me, if any of the mentioned my -own - experience based observations can be interpreted in more precise way!

Have a super cool Friday