Friday, September 18, 2009

I'm Moving;-)

Hi my dear readers!

Smile, no need for panic;-) I will be very much present and I will carry on with my purpose, just under different "house number".

Please set your new RSS feed for following link
of my new home;-)

You will find there more pages, interactive content, information about project Next Generation Leaders of Slovakia
and much more.

Looking forward seeing you there!

P.S. Thanks my first blog ever for serving me so well, I will never delete you!;-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Why no teachers have ever explained physics to me this way?

Master piece book by Fritjof Capra - The Tao of Physics.
Both rational and intuitive parts of your brain will feast, while reading this gift of maestro Capra to the world.I can only, bow and be silent to digest the content.

I have a dream, that one day there will be a school where every subject will be interconnected with other subject, in order to provide students picture of wholeness and interrelatedness of everything around us.


Posted via email from Ivana Sendecka is sharing.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Love knows no limits

Thanks @ Lars Christian Schmith, for sharing this video on his Facebook profile.

I have nothing more to add, title says it all.


Posted via web from Ivana Sendecka is sharing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is going on?


Many talents to be unleashed in Slovakia.

Look what are we cooking with the team from USA.

Slovakia watch out.

Planting Emerging Talents in Slovakia

View more presentations from Ivana Sendecka.</div></div>


Volunteers from Slovakia ready to give a helping hand and heart, give me a shout.



Posted via web from Ivana Sendecka is sharing.