“IvanaSuperCool is asking you folks:"How would you summarize five, the most important trends of 21st century, which are shaping our lives and business?" #yam
Instant reply from my network members, stroke me within minutes since question was asked. What a feeling…WOW! I am so grateful to have you “around” folks! Gifts of your presence in my life are priceless and the least what I can do is to share your precious insights with the world.
Collaboratively we have identified following trends:
•Democratization of the Internet use has changed our lives. (Rik van der Schalie via Yammer recommended to read The Cult of the Amateur by Andrew Keen)
•First digital age generation has grown up (I am recommending to read Grown up digital by Don Tapscott)
•War on talent to maintain highly capable individuals within companies is priority.
•“Expiration date” on obtained knowledge is shorter and shorter.
•Interactivity is skipping hierarchy within organizations and erasing any geographical distances.
•Natural resources of oil are drying up.
Jon Hampson, shared again via Yammer:
International Energy Agency chief economist Fatih Birol's opinion: "We are expecting that in three, four years' time the production of conventional oil will come to a plateau.”
•“Technie” point of view was covered by another Capgemini YammDudeTM Chris Kernaghan
o Cloud computing - But only if the reality can match the hype
o Virtualisation - For internal flexibility. VPNs - To free up workers from geographical constraints.
o Smart Mobile Computing - To enable better communication through more means.
Cherry on the cake was contribution to the topic by Emmanuel Gobillot.
Emmanuel Gobillot
Author, leader, speaker and great inspiration for me, when he has added his insight in marvelously creative way via Tweet:
@egobillot: 4 trends Demographic, Expertise, Attention and Democratic (initials spell DEAD if we don’t change the way we do business).
So, let us all be fully ALIVE while being aware of DEAD!
As @ MichaelVrijhoef has said: "Changing the way we THINK really results in changes in our lives..."
Thank you folks for being present in life.
Bowing and staying grateful.
Life is super cool!
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