Friday, February 13, 2009

Who said that Friday 13th is unlucky day?

I am very confident that you have lived your day to the fullest and you've over heard „warnings“ about bad luck day, black day, Friday 13th...
I DID! And you know what? It worked!:-) How? Let me share with you, newly invented manual, tested and just approved after passing user's acceptance test:-)


1. „Fire up the volume of your favourite tune on ipod or CD when starting your day“ - don’t listen to silly radio RJs in breakfast shows, who are feeding you with horrifying stories about black Friday 13th.

2. „Set a target of XYZ people, who you will make smile today.“ – great chance to start, is already in the lift of the office building.(*Fortunate are those residing on the top floors of the towers, much easier to fulfill the target -large lifts fit in more people, the journey up lasts longer)

3. „Cherish every minute of the day, which is the most precious gift regardless of the date in the calendar. One and only chance, gift of presence.“ – Remember the words from The Suncreen Song – Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.”

4. „Give uncoditionally the best out of you.“ – when carrying this in your mind and serving your best. I guarantee you won’t dedicate any tiny mini thoughts to the topic of „black unlucky day.“

5. „Be like Jonathan Livingston Seagull“ – don’t follow the flock. The only thing you are allowed to follow is your heart. Be bold, even when crowd will call you outcast. Love the flock and be an example of happy Friday 13th journey.

My beloved readers, I believe that in case of any dark thoughts about upcoming Friday 13th in March 2009, you will know now, where to look up for help.

Help is within YOU!!!!

Have fun and keep leading the flock with love.


Puneet said...

Infact you have just made yourself a lucky person... and possibly other who have read this.

Ivana Sendecka said...

Thank You Puneet,

could not wish for better feedback on my efforts, than making others happy...
