Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Half Truth by Doc Fleming and Ivana's vision about Chief Reality Officer

Hi Ya, Namaste, Ahoj, Ahlan wa Sahlan to All.:-)

Hmm, curious right? Chief Reality Officer - CRO? What is that girl talking about? We all know what CEO, CSO or CFO shortcuts stand for...Where on Earth is the company which have „Reality Department“ in its organizational chart?

Let me again poke your brain cells and raise few question marks in your mind.
The Half Truth is the book, which mentioned CRO on its pages. Book written by Dr. Kevin J. Fleming, was hard to get, but definitely worth to wait till its delivery...

I chewed up its pages within few days, while sipping coffee prepared with love by my dear friend Dinesh from Sri Lanka...Numerous notes in my dairy are now, free to the sight of blog’s world too.

„Know thyself!“ are the first words of the book, the advice of old Greek thinkers.

Searching for truth is in my opinion, never ending life long journey. Thanks to geniality of those who left here many information available for seekers, one can speed up this process a lot...But as Doc Fleming is saying: „Gaining wisdom isn’t a sprint sport.“

So, please, step on the starting line. Ready? 3, 2, 1...Go! Let’s make first tiny step out of comfort zone.

Many black pen lines and thoughts have taken away virginity of the book, which is fate for all my books, though. Few following quotes are those which I liked (apart from many others) and I’ve decided to share them with you, with my comments to it and my featuring new CRO characteristics.

Again, I am asking You, to give me valuable feedback as soon as you will read this column.

„Over-sized egos kill people.“
This is one of the very true reality of today’s world. Every CRO must be definitely aware of it and understand both realities, negative and positive aspects of it. Knowing own dreams and ambitions as well as those who are surrounding CRO, is excellent to start with before managing, leading and distributing any tasks to people. CRO’s ego must be completely absent. Offering partnership instead status based hierarchy and remembering to be always humble and open, must be naturally possessed and mastered by any effective CRO.

„Don‘ push the river.“
Movement doesn’t necessarily mean improvement. People are more moved to avoid pain than to achieve gain. CRO must be living example of evolution toward better existence of organization and its people, facing possible hurdles and pain without fear, in order to follow path of true reality agent. Prone not to choose easier way in order to avoid arrows in the back. Being authentic is the key for CRO to breed more authenticity within whole company.

So my take on being authentic CRO is:

CRO cannot become emotionally or mentally lazy. Constant learning and sharing gifts of gained new insights with his/hers people and followers. Being great listener to own inner voice and guts helps to identify roots of truth, for CRO as well as for those interacting with him/her.

Never settle…Deeper truth isn’t always obvious to the human eye or ear.
In order, if we are keen to make 1 plus 1 far more than 2 we should go forward with accountability, love and authenticity.

I think every part of our lives is determined by the level of our ignorace toward seeing truth...Reality department is invisible and present in every insitution, family or relationship. To be CRO in every field of one's presence, should be the goal for all of us. Leaders, and decision makers are not allowed to stop and neglect working on living in truth.

I highly recommend to add The Half Truth to your list of must read books. To find out more about Dr. Kevin Fleming, click on

Peace and keep your high spirits.

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